- polar-bear exhibit
- an antiprostitution program
- water-park ride
were egregious. But, alas, that was just part of the shell game (divide and conquer). So why did we fly senator Sherrod Brown (Ohio) back and forth to his mother's funeral to sign ARRA on friday; and, then Steve didn't sign it until Tuesday in a dog and pony show in Denver? Its because the above pork examples were a diversion from the bad stuff.
- Socialist health care (see prior post)
- R.A.T. Board
- There is established a board to be known as the ‘Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board (hereafter in this subtitle referred to as the ‘Board’)
- In the name of accountability and transparency, Congress has given the RAT Board the authority to ask “that an inspector general conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation.”
- Inspectors General have traditionally had the independence conduct investigations without interference from the White House, Congress or the Department of Justice… Now, thanks to the RAT Board their investigations can be subjected to whims of partisan politics.
I have 3 questions:
ReplyDelete1) Is it right to complain about "socialist health care" when up to 75% of your premium is paid by the gov't? (By the way Socialism implies no profit for service which is not the same as National Health Care)
2) Wouldn't someone who is upset with the $700+ billion spent for America be even more upset with the $600+ billion spent on a foreign country?
3) Would this blog contain anything if Bush was still president?
(originally submitted by Anonymous, so blogger had to extrapolate the data to figure real identity)
Geez, what's the BFD with anonymous comments?? Funny, you got them before and didn't care. Are you creating a guest list? Would you like party affiliation as well so you can delete all non-Republican comments? Good last answer - nothing to blog about if Bush was still president. Can't find anything wrong with Georgie. Who is walking on water now?
ReplyDeleteTweedle Dee
OK here’s more
1-We’ve had socialist health care forever (eg. Octo-mom is getting major medical freebies and that would have been the case decades ago); but, its getting worse. That scumbag tax cheat, Dashle, wrote into the stimulus bill that the new bureaucracy will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate.
2- 9-11 and global women’s rights
3- If you’ll read the blog banner – Color commentary on Obama. If he were still senator, the only thing this blog could comment on was that Steve voted ‘present’ ounce again today.
ReplyDeleteThanks, for the non anonymous contribution. That's what makes America great.