Friday, November 7, 2008

T-1460 ObAmA Rosetta

  • In order for conservatives to support the new president, we must learn the lingo

To that end, I've requested a new DVD from Rosetta stone

      • Although the lingo is highly complex and intricate, today's lesson is quite simple. The one and only definition of ¢hange is
      • money. (¢HANGE=MONEY)

        • 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickel = ¢hange for a dollar
        • redistrbute the ¢hange
        • lots of ¢hange is ¢hange$
        • Obama needs ¢hange

      There is a way to send Steve what he needs

      Thursday, November 6, 2008

      T-1461dy ObAmA Post Campaign & moose

      • After a day of crying in my soup and drinking my favorite beverage, this blogger will now get out of the campaign mode and into the Obama critique mode.

        • The term critique derives from the Greek term kritik, meaning "discerning judgment", usually of the value of something. Especially in philosophical contexts it is influenced by Kant's use of the term to mean a reflective examination of the validity and limits of a human capacity or of a set of philosophical claims and has been extended in modern philosophy to mean a systematic inquiry into the conditions and consequences of a concept, theory, discipline, or approach and an attempt to understand its limitations and validity.

      • I’ll be oscillating between Elisabeth Hasselbeck and George S. Patton. I won’t follow in the footsteps of a myriad of Obama supporters who hated ‘W’ ever since day one and before.

      John McCain supporter Elisabeth Hasselbeck said Wednesday on TV's "The View" that she'll follow Obama's lead. "I will jump in that line and support our president because that is what as an American I believe we should do," said Hasselbeck, who received a fist bump from co-host Whoopi Goldberg.

      In the movie, after hitting a soldier, Patton came before his troops and said something to the effect (I came here to show you if I’m as big an asshole as every body has told you). Well the real Patton never said that, but it was neat in the movie. So I’m going to monitor Obama to see if he is a bad as conservative radio has made him out to be.

      In the spirit of true bi-partisanship, I noticed Michelle Obama wore the same dress that she had on when she helped Sarah field dress a bull moose.

      Wednesday, November 5, 2008

      T-1462dy ObAmA Call him Mr. Chairman

      • LIFE SUCKS

        • Obama won

        • Colorado is BLUE

      • LIFE IS GOOD

        • Mesa County is RED

        • (don't have to move to Texas or Tierra del Fuego)

        • Old Chicago will serve this Elephant who is blu some blue elephant


        • Plane for sale (needs paint)


            Tuesday, November 4, 2008

            eLECToff ObAmA VOTE McCAIN

            • VOTE
              • LIFE
              • NATIONAL SECURITY
              • GUNS
              • BIBLES

            Monday, November 3, 2008

            T-1dy ObAmA 2nd amendment

            • Subject: Obama's 2nd ammendment voting record

              • ISRA Press Release: 'Nobody Knows Obama's Record on Guns Better Than I Do,' Says ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson

              • SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Sept. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

              • "One of the most blatant lies ever to come from a politician's mouth," is how the ISRA is characterizing a recent statement by U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Speaking in the latest issue of "Field & Stream," Obama claims that Illinois sportsmen know him as an advocate for their rights. On the contrary, Obama's voting record while a state senator clearly indicates that he has nothing but contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner.

              • "Any sportsman who counts Barack Obama as one of his friends is seriously confused," said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "Throughout his tenure in the Illinois Senate, Obama served as one of the most loyal foot soldiers in Mayor Daley's campaign to abolish civilian firearm ownership. While a state senator, Obama voted for legislation that would ban and forcibly confiscate nearly every shotgun, target rifle and hunting rifle in the state. Obama also voted for bills that would ration the number of firearms a law-abiding citizen could own, yet give a pass to the violent thugs who roam our streets. And, inexplicably, Obama voted four times against legislation that would allow citizens to use firearms to defend their homes and families."

              • "Let us also not forget that Obama served as a director of the Joyce Foundation," continued Pearson. "While on the Joyce Foundation board, Obama funneled tens of millions of dollars to radical gun control organizations such as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Violence Policy Center."

              • "If Senator Obama considers his legislative record and his philanthropic endeavors to be acts of advocacy on behalf of sportsmen's rights, then I submit that the Senator is seriously confused as well," asserted Pearson.

              • "Nobody knows Obama's record on guns better than I do, and it's rotten to the core," said Pearson. "I've been involved in Illinois politics nearly as long as Obama has been alive. In that time, I have never encountered a legislator who was more hostile towards or more disinterested in sportsmen's rights than Barack Obama."

              • The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA represents the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.
