Friday, October 24, 2008

T-11dy ObAmA Palin is Obama's VP

  • Obama just happens to be at the right place at the right time. A candidate with his views requires a plethora of stupid voters to carry him over the top. And by golly, there is no shortage of stupid people in these here United States. For instance,
    listen or listen

Thursday, October 23, 2008

T-12dy ObAmA Grand Junction in National News

  • Grand Junction makes national news

    • Three Palin rally protesters ticketed

    • Two planes collide in mid-air. No fatalites

  • Also on same newscast - 4th grade Colorado teacher in class despite her cancer

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

T-13dy ObAmA Sarah in Grand Junction

  • Missed Sarah in Grand Junction. But since I attended the Obama GJ visit, I'm sure the following is for certain. SquirmyLib Obama drew only 6,000 and only about 1,000 could actually see him at Cross Orchards. Sarah drew 10,000 more and they all could see her at Suplizio field