I am amazed at the comment today from Barack Obama that if we don't pass this stimulus bill right now, the recession may prove to be irreversible, that America may never recover from our inaction right now. That is -- wow, that's incredible. He said this recession may linger for years, our economy will lose five million more jobs. You know what this is? This is really a hedge because he can say, "Well, I didn't get my stimulus bill, I didn't get everything in my stimulus bill that I wanted," as this thing lingers for years, if it doesn't get much, much worse. He said unemployment will approach double digits. Yes. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that at some point we may not be able to reverse. He's calling this the action Americans need. He says that energy independence is one of the reasons that we have to pass the stimulus bill quickly. Energy independence. Less than 24 hours after his new interior secretary cancelled the oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land, more than 130,000
acres in Utah alone.
- we're never going to recover if we don't get the $50 million for the National Endowment For the Arts
- we may never recover if we don't get $380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children's program
- we may never recover if we don't get $300 million for grants to combat violence against women
- we may never recover if we don't have $6 billion for university building project
- we may never recover if we don't have $1.2 billion to provide youth summer jobs and this bill defines "Youth" to people up to the age of 24
- we will never recover if we don't have $2.4 billion for neighborhood stabilization activities.
- we may never recover if we don't have $650 million for digital TV coupons.
- we may never recover if we don't get $150 million for the Smithsonian. We may never recover if we don't have $34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters.
- we may never recover if we don't have $500 million for the improvement projects for the national institute of health facilities.
- we may never recover if we don't have $44 million for repairs to the Department of Agriculture headquarters or $350 million for agriculture department computers.
- we may never recover if we don't have $88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building, not for a new building. To help them move to a new building. We may never survive if we don't have that $88 million for a moving truck!
- we may never survive if we don't have the money to convert federal auto fleets to hybrids. this country may never recover if we don't have a billion dollars for the census bureau.
- we may never recover if we don't have $89 billion for Medicaid or $30 billion for COBRA extensions or $36 billion for expanded unemployment or $20 billion for more food stamps
- we may never recover if we don't have $850 million for Amtrak, a train that hasn't turned a profit in 50 years
- America as we know it may never recover if we don't have $87 million for a polar ice breaking ship let's not look too deeply into why we would need a polar ice breaking ship if the poles are melting and won't have any ice!
- we may never recover if we don't have $1.7 million for the national park system or $55 million for the historic preservation fund.
- we may not survive if we don't have $7.6 million for the rural advancement program or $150 million for the agriculture commodity purposes or $150 million for producers of livestock, farm-raised fish and honeybees
- we may never recover unless we have $160 million for paid volunteers at the Corporation for National and Community Service for the community volunteers, the National -- wait a minute. Why are we paying the volunteers?
Nancy Pelosi (second in line to the the presidency) is "dumber than soap"
- She says US will lose 500,000,000 jobs without this 'porkulus' bill
- or maybe she just spilled the beans (ie. the US population isn't what is reported but we have a whole lot more illegal immigrants than we thought